FRITZ!Box Rynga Setup
(deutsche Zusammenfassung der Rynga-Konfiguration unten)
My friend's family use a VOIP provider called "Rynga" to do cheap international calls (not sponsored). They asked me if I could help configure Rynga on their new FRITZ!Box. As I like to tinker around with technology, I agreed.
Rynga Configuration¶
I followed Rynga's SIP setup guide for some of these values.
Read this before proceeding
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After some difficulties (there isn't much information on the Internet), the following steps worked for me:
- Go to Telephony Telephone Numbers
- Click on "New Telephone Number"
- Use the following values:
Setting Value Telephony Provider Other provider ----- ---- Telephone number for registration 1234567 Internal telephone number in the FRITZ!Box 1234567 ----- ---- Username 1234567 Authentication name [ account login name] Password [ account password] Registrar Proxy-Server STUN-Server [leave empty] - Leave everything else default
- Click on "Continue" and test the connection
- Keep in mind: If the registration was successful, you have to assign the Rynga number to a telephone.
Some notes:
- I don't really know if you really need the "1234567" values. It's mentioned nowhere in the Rynga documentation, but it was used in a previous setup at my friend's house.
- I think that the "Internal telephone number in the FRITZ!Box" can be changed to something different. My friend has no use for it, so I didn't look into it.
(Deutsch) Konfiguration von Rynga¶
Die folgenden Schritte durchführen:
- Unter Telefonie Eigene Rufnummern auf "Neue Rufnummer" klicken
- Die folgenden Werte verwenden:
Einstellung Wert Telefonie-Anbieter Anderer Anbieter --- --- Rufnummer für die Anmeldung 1234567 Interne Rufnummer in der FRITZ!Box 1234567 --- --- Benutzername 1234567 Authentifizerungsname [ Accountname] Kennwort [ Accountpasswort] Registrar Proxy-Server STUN-Server [leer lassen] - Alle anderen Werte unverändert lassen
- Auf "Weiter" klicken und die Verbindung testen
- Nicht vergessen: Wenn die Registrierung der Telefonnummer erfolgreich war, muss die Rynga-Telefonnummer noch einem Telefoniegerät zugewiesen werden.